With this cheat sheet you can try to start writing your article just like I started. Happy Learning and sharing.
Basic Syntex
All applications will support this basic markdown syntax.
To define a heading in Markdown we simply use this #
sign. And to define a lower heading you can increase the number just like I have shown in the syntax.
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
Don't forget to give space and you can go till 6 but 3 will be enough for you.
To Bold a text use double artistic**Bold**
or __Bold__
To Italic use single artistic *Italic*
or _Italic_
To use this block quote just like I am writing in the block quote use
Order List
Use numbers to define a list.
1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
You can also try 1. 1. 1. the markdown will give you the same result.
Unordered List
Use -
for unordered list.
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
To write short code use this (``) .
Horizontal Line
To give a horizontal line just like below use ---
To Link something in your article use [title](https://www.example.com)
in these brackets [title name ]
you need to write title and in parentheses (url)
write your URL.
To bring an image use 
in the first brackets write alternative text and in parentheses give the source to the image.
You can also give a relative source if you are in GitHub URL.
Extended Syntax
Well, these elements extend the basic syntax by adding additional features. Not all Markdown applications support these elements. So you check whether it works or not.
To create a simple table in markdown here the syntax.
| Syntax | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | Text |
Syntax | Description |
Header | Title |
Paragraph | Text |
Code Block
What if you want to put a code block just like below.
(```` code between ````)
Where you can string a word just like in discount. In hashnode it doesn't work
~~ The world is flat. ~~
Syntax: H~2~O
Syntax: X^2^
Well, this is all you need to start to write your own article or blogs or GitHub readme file.
Hope you liked it.